Use lpac to download profiles


To use with lpac you need a supported PC/SC reader, you can check this by running lpac driver apdu list, if it is supported you should see output similar like:

$ lpac driver apdu list
{"type":"driver","payload":{"env":"DRIVER_IFID","data":[{"env":"0","name":"ACS CCID USB Reader 0"}]}}

lpac is an open source LPA software, you can download the release here.
Find out more usage about lpac here.

Use lpac to download your profile

You’ll need an AC code from your carrier, usually in an email or a physical QR code, some carriers may also require a confirmation code.
Use the following command to download your profile:

# Check that your reader is recognised by lpac
$ lpac driver apdu list
{"type":"driver","payload":{"env":"DRIVER_IFID","data":[{"env":"0","name":"ACS CCID USB Reader 0"}]}}

Download your profile with your AC code using lpac profile download -a "{AC code}"
If you have a confirmation code, use lpac profile download -a "{AC code}" -c "{confirm code}"
If successful, you will get {"type":"lpa","payload":{"code":0,"message":"success","data":null}}

# Download profile using AC code
$ lpac profile download -a LPA:1$SMDP.GSMA.COM$04386-AGYFT-A74Y8-3F815

Enable your profile

Check your profile list with lpac profile list

$ lpac profile list

Activate your profile with the iccid you want using lpac profile enable {iccid}
If successful, you will get {"type":"lpa","payload":{"code":0,"message":"success","data":null}}

$ lpac profile enable "8900000000000000004"