Config Cloud Enhance

Data usage warning

Cloud Enhance requires profile to be used to access the internet via cellular data to connect to the Remote LPA server.
Typically Wi-Fi cannot be used as a substitute.

A network connection is only established when a Cloud Enhance process is actively in use. Once the process is finished, the connection is immediately disconnected.

About Remote LPA Server

Cloud Enhance relies on Remote LPA server located on the Internet. Users can specify the server address and whether to enable this function.
The Remote LPA server source code is freely available under the terms of the AGPLv3 licence, you can find the source code here.
You can build your own Remote LPA server as you wish.

Config Cloud Enhance

This menu contains the following items:

  1. Current Remote LPA server address, edit by clicking on it.
  2. Options for Cloud Enhance.

Options have prefixes represented by “< >” or “<*>”, where “<*>” indicates the current selection.

Options available for Cloud Enhance mode:

  • Enabled: Enable Cloud Enhance.
  • Disabled: Disable Cloud Enhance.


About Network Security

When using Cloud Enhance, will transmit data over the Internet and communicate with external Remote LPA server.
During use, you will be exposed to the following risks:

  1. Privacy leakage
  2. Risk from malicious servers
  3. Risk from human error

Cloud Enhance cannot avoid monitoring and interception by your carrier.
Use of this feature acknowledges your responsibility for internet access costs and understanding of potential interruptions in service.